
My Dogs

Baby Bear Koda









Trick Dog


Farm Dog


AKC Dog Sports


Agility ~ Obedience ~ Rally ~ FAST CAT ~ Trick Dog ~ Farm Dog ~ AKC Dog Sports ~

Meet Koda

Koda: The Heart of my Dog Training Journey
This is Koda, my energetic 3-year-old Pomeranian and the inspiration behind my dog training journey. Our journey together began in 2021 when I brought home this 10-week-old fluff ball. Right from the start, Koda’s energy and enthusiasm were contagious. His eagerness to learn and playful nature made him a joy to work with!

Titles and Awards

American Kennel Club Titles
Koda’s training started the day I brought him home. At 12 weeks old, he joined his first obedience class and was a top student. By six months, Koda earned his AKC Canine Good Citizenship title. Here’s a list of his achievements:

  • AKC Canine Good Citizenship (CGC)

  • Farm Dog Certification (FDC)

  • Temperament Test (ATT)

  • Intermediate Trick Dog Title (TKI)

  • Novice Agility Title (NA)

  • Novice Jumper Title (NJ)

  • Open Agility Title (OA)

  • Open Jumper Title (OJ)

  • Excellent FAST Title (XFP)

  • Excellent Agility Title (AXP)

  • Master Jumper Preferred Title (MJP)

Koda’s Training Journey

Agility is Koda's favorite activity! The thrill of navigating complex courses and the excitement of competitions captivated us both. We committed to a rigorous training regimen, attending weekly group and private lessons with top local professionals. At 15 months old, Koda made an impressive agility debut, qualifying and winning in 5 out of 6 classes!

Getting Started

Koda’s Early Success

On August 27, 2023, just 20 months after his first competition, Koda had already moved up from a Novice to Master competitor in both agility and jumper events. We were all in!

Koda has developed a true love for agility and training. Even without treats at AKC events, he finds joy in running the course and working with me. Koda doesn't compete because I force him; he does it because he loves it!

His passion is rooted in a strong training foundation that emphasizes trust, clear communication, mutual respect, and a positive relationship, all of which have strengthened our bond in every aspect of life—from dog sports to our daily routines. As a result, Koda has developed good habits and behaviors beyond just basic obedience, proving that training can be both effective and enjoyable

Koda also had some serious behavioral challenges, including barking, lunging, and leash pulling around other dogs and people. It was so intense that at his first competition, I had to set his crate at the very back of the building, as far from the other competitors as possible. It took a lot of time and consistent reactivity training to help him learn how to stay calm in the bustling crowd of dogs and people without getting overwhelmed. Once we had those basics down, we could focus on building his confidence and improving our technical skills.

Despite our efforts, there was always something that kept us from qualifying in our runs—minor mistakes like knocked bars or taking off-course obstacles. It felt like every time we mastered a skill, something new would come up, needing months of reassessment and refinement. We went about six months without qualifying in either agility or jumpers. To say this was disappointing is an understatement. I was so discouraged and couldn’t understand what I was doing wrong. Koda couldn't tell me in words how to fix our problems, so I had to focus on our communication. This meant reading his body language and understanding how my commands and actions influenced his performance. It took about two years of consistent training, both individually and with professionals, to get Koda and I to where we are today. But it was all worth it!

While Koda’s talent and bravery were evident, it still took months of hard work, dedication, and training to get where we are now. Progress didn’t always come easy… or quickly.

Off-leash training was a big challenge at first. Koda’s idea of running a course looked more like a high-speed chase with uncontrollable zoomies—definitely not the best path to success in AKC agility… As a puppy, Koda was incredibly stubborn—fearless and determined to do things his way. It was tough to establish leadership when Koda thought he had everything figured out and didn’t need to listen to me. His version of "training" often involved running laps around me, barking sassy little yaps in response to my commands of "Stop!" or "Come!"—as if to say, "I heard you... no thanks!" So, we went back to the basics and focused on building a reliable recall.

Trials, Triumph, and Teamwork

The Power of Communication

I've realized that when we make mistakes on the course, it’s usually my fault. When I get in his way, give contradictory commands, or fail to provide clear instructions, Koda understandably gets frustrated and expresses it by barking or nipping at my ankles, as if to say, "Get it together, Mom!"

Learning how Koda communicates has been eye-opening. When I don’t give commands quickly enough between obstacles, Koda's little yips and yaps unmistakably scream, "Hello?! Tell me where I’m supposed to go next!" His feedback, though non-verbal, has taught me the importance of timely and clear communication.

What Koda Taught Me

Solving The Mystery

The Art of Non-Verbal Communication
After going months without placing in the agility ring, I decided to completely change my appraoch… I stopped talking. I finally realized that Koda would always bark back at me when I overloaded him with verbal commands. And barking was his way of expressing his frustration. So I limited my vocal commands to only when they were absolutely necessary. Instead, I focused on using my body language, eye contact, and movements to guide him through the courses.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words
I’ll never forget the sense of accomplishment I felt at our next agility trial when I started using this new method. Despite the chaos of hundreds of barking dogs and a bustling crowd, Koda ran a flawless course! There were no knocked bars, no hesitations, and no mistakes. It all flowed so naturally and effortlessly from start to finish. Best of all, it was the fastest round he had ever completed! I was amazed that I could communicate with my dog without using words. Competing and succeeding with a teammate who doesn’t even speak your language is incredibly rewarding! Koda and I had created our own language, and with every run, I began to understand him better.

Why This Matters?

My journey with Koda has made me a better dog owner and trainer, and I’m passionate about helping others create the same strong bond with their dogs.

As a dog trainer and behavioral consultant, I focus on understanding the reasons behind every behavior and advocating for your dog’s attempts to communicate. My mission is to help you truly understand your dog and teach you effective communication techniques. I will help you navigate everyday behavioral challenges, from puppyhood to adult life. Together, we’ll unlock your dog’s full potential, build good habits, and create a strong, positive bond with your pet!

Ready to get started?
Click here to start training today!

Baby Bear Koda: